Butter Braid Costume Fundraiser
Spotlight Dance Academy Fundraiser Dear Parents and Participants,
I am very excited to share that we’ve partnered with Emch Fundraising, LLC to raise funds for our group this year! We will be selling Butter Braid® Pastries and Wooden Spoon® Cookie Dough! The products will be delivered frozen. Please note that the delicious pastries can be freshly baked at your convenience for any occasion, and they should stay frozen until ready to thaw, rise, and bake.
A great feature about this fundraiser is customers can order and pay online by simply sharing your Online Store page with family and friends using the site link or the built-in share buttons on your personal store page. Please note that orders placed online by supporters are not shipped directly to that customer but will be included with each seller’s sorted order and delivered to your group.
Fundraiser Starts: Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
Fundraiser Ends: Wednesday, October 5th, 2022
Submit Order Forms: Thursday, October 6th, 2022 by 8:30pm
Scheduled delivery date for product pickup: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Fundraiser Purpose: Costume Fundraiser
To be successful and reach our goal, each participant should sell at least 10-25 items. Thank you for your help and support to make our fundraiser a success! Here is a video that you can watch to help kickoff our fundraiser.
Important Tips:
1. You do not need to charge tax.
2. All orders must be tallied at the bottom of the page for each column and total(balancing your money collected) before turning in your order forms.
3. All order forms are due no later than 8:30pm on October 6th. Late orders will not be accepted.
4. Delivery Date: Tuesday, October 18th. A specific pick up time will be emailed. Someone must pick up your order on this date.
5. Paper order forms will be handed out in class.
Full per unit profits earned on $15 pastries and $16 dollar cookie dough.
$15 pastry-$6.60
$16 cookie dough-$6.40
70% of profits earned will go right back into your Spotlight account and may be used toward costume fees or tuition. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for doing your part to make this fundraiser a success!
Mallory Watkins